Funny Food 123 Number is a fun game designed to help kids learn basic math operations within food-related contexts. With this app, they can learn how to write numbers, read numbers, count, divide items into portions, and much more.
In Funny Food 123 Number, there are tons of contexts where you can learn to count. In one game, for example, you'll have to write the correct number in order to water the vegetable garden. In another game, you decorate cakes by writing the appropriate number based on the age of the birthday boy or girl, then adding a piece of meringue and the correct number of candles. In yet another game, you practice counting groups, like how many animals are sitting at a table waiting for food. On each table, there's a number that corresponds to how many pieces of fruit to serve. There's also a game where you make a pizza and cut it into slices, as well as a memory game, plus lots more.
Funny Food 123 Number is an excellent way for kids to get familiar with numbers while also having fun.